Under ideal conditions, we should be able to get all the nutrients and micronutrients we need from the food we eat. However, due to various reasons, there are shortfalls in most modern diets. It often causes people to suffer certain deficiencies that can impact health. Dietary supplements are an effective means of compensating for these shortfalls and achieving better health. So, what are dietary supplements, and why are they taken?
What are dietary supplements?
Dietary supplements are wellness products that usually come in the form of pills or capsules. They can also be found in liquid, gel cap, or powder form. They contain amounts of specified micronutrients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and herbs. They are not medications that treat specific illnesses, but rather act as an aid to existing diets that compensate for shortfalls in these micronutrients. By boosting the intake of these micronutrients they are believed to help in reducing the risk of developing many debilitating illnesses related to poor diet.
What are the benefits of dietary supplements?
Many people today consume diets that are high in calories and of poor nutritional value. This has contributed to the increased risk of developing chronic conditions and obesity. Dietary supplements are designed to help compensate for the lack of nutritional value, by providing concentrated doses of specified micronutrients. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified iron, iodine, and vitamin A as the most common deficiencies in the world.
For developed countries like the US, micronutrient deficiency may be less common, but inadequacies do often occur. This means that the intake of the micronutrient is more than the levels that denote deficiency but less than the recommended intake level. Micronutrient inadequacies can lead to health problems such as:
- fatigue
- difficulty fighting off infections
- impaired cognitive function
- increased risk of chronic illnesses
Some supplements support certain body functions like carbon 60 (C60). It remains to know what is c60 and what are its main benefits? It is a tiny molecule made up of carbon atoms that act as a powerful antioxidant. Their action of combating free radicals that damage cells help to support good health.
The richest sources of antioxidants come from beta-carotene, vitamins C, and E. These micronutrients are sourced from the more colorful fruits and vegetables that often lack in many diets. This makes supplements like C60 ideal for boosting health in different ways.
What are the benefits of taking C60?
Free radicals do contribute towards damage to skin that arises in the form of wrinkles, acne, roughness, and other signs of aging. Research indicates that when using topical applications like skin creams and facial masks that contain C60, skin appearance is improved. It is also being considered as an ingredient in sunscreens due to its ability to block UV rays.
Inflammatory conditions
C60 has also been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help to ease conditions like osteoarthritis. It is believed to suppress the body’s natural inflammatory response, allowing the body to heal faster before inflammation and fatigue set in.
Cognitive function
Our mental processes tend to slow down as we age. Studies show that taking C60 may help to reduce the speed of this decline. It has a detoxifying effect that can help boost mental clarity and performance.
As we age our bodies become more frail and prone to health problems. Because C60 is a powerful antioxidant, it can help reduce the risk of developing many age-related health problems, resulting in an improved quality of life for seniors. Besides the already mentioned improvements in skin health and mental clarity, studies on rats show that it may help promote longevity.
Athletic performance
During physical activity, the muscles are actively engaged. The more they are used, the more damage they suffer, normally in the form of microscopic tears. C60 helps to reduce the recovery time from these injuries and promotes muscle endurance.
How to choose and use C60?
Like with any other dietary supplement, it is important to carefully source your C60. There are many dubious providers whose manufacturing processes may not be reliable and are not regulated by the government.
Opt for sublimated C60 of 99.99% purity that is made using a clean process that excludes the use of solvents. This is the highest level of purity and quality to be found and ensures you will not have to worry about contamination. C60 products are usually made using a carrier oil like olive, avocado, or sunflower oil.
Because different brands can have different potencies, it is advisable to take it according to the manufacturer’s labeled instructions that come with the product.
Other Supplements That Might Be Useful
Besides antioxidants, many people are affected by micronutrient deficiencies and inadequacies that are impacting their health. Here are some of the most common micronutrients that are lacking in modern diets and may be remedied through the intake of dietary supplements:
- Calcium
- Copper
- Folate
- Iron
- Iodine
- Omega 3 fatty acids
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, and E
C60 is a beneficial dietary supplement that may help reduce the risk of many diseases and relieve the effects of the aging process. Its super-antioxidant abilities make it a healthy addition to any wellness regimen. Take stock of your diet and health condition to identify what micronutrient deficiencies or inadequacies you may be experiencing. Know that you can address these deficiencies through the use of carefully sourced dietary supplements.