Your skin is dynamic. It responds to internal and external stimuli. The health of your skin is directly related to the health of your body, but there are other factors that you need to consider if you want the healthiest, clearest skin possible. Some people try very hard to achieve the most vibrant, radiant skin while others don’t seem to care at all and still achieve that goal. When you put in the effort, your skin will respond to your care. There are plenty of ways that you can improve the health and look of your skin. Whoever you are and whatever your goals, below is the ultimate guide to skin care.
Drink Less Alcohol
A great place to start in your skin care journey is to stop drinking or at least drink less alcohol. Alcohol is a poison that is bad for your whole body, but it particularly affects the skin. If it is any indication, the skin shows what alcohol does to your body. Your skin will be red, bloated, and inflamed when you are drinking too much. You will have access to acne and irritation. Furthermore, when you are drinking a lot there are three other factors that impact the health of your skin—your diet, exercise routine, and sleep.
Watch What You Are Eating
The foods that you are eating directly impact the health of your skin. When you are ingesting a lot of greasy foods, the oil will come out in your skin. When you are eating fatty foods, you might get more acne. Sugar does the same thing. Your diet has a huge effect on the way that your skin looks and feels. You won’t be able to have the clearest, smoothest, most vibrant skin if you are eating poorly. When you are drinking a lot, you tend to eat poorly because you are inhibited. Watching your diet is so important for skin health, but so is exercise.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise allows you to release toxins and fat in the blood through your sweat. When you are working out routinely, you’ll be able to look and feel better in general. Not only will you be expelling grease from what you have eaten, but the sweat will also hydrate your skin. You have probably heard of that “after work out glow.” People say this for a reason. In a sense, sweat moisturizes your skin. It will be healthier and less dry when you are exercising more routinely. Exercise and diet go together. When you are working out and eating well, your skin will improve. You will also have better sleep.
Sleep Better
When you are drinking less, eating better, and working out routinely, you will naturally have better sleep. Still, if you are busy and have trouble getting enough hours in, your skin health will suffer. When you are asleep, your body heals itself and recovers both physically and mentally. When you sleep well every night, your skin will appear clearer and smoother. Getting good sleep does wonders for both the body and mind. The health of your skin is just one aspect of it. When you are sleeping better, you will also be less stressed.
Lower Stress
Stress is a part of life that can be really bad for your skin. It causes acne and irritation. You could break out just because you are stressed. Are you very busy and can’t seem to find time to breathe? That could be a culprit in your poor skin health. Sleeping better will help you lower stress, but if that isn’t the only thing impacting your levels of worry and anxiety, you should do whatever you can to decrease the amount of stress in your life.
Balance Hormone Levels
Stress and hormones are related, and your hormone balance will have a significant impact on your skin. This is particularly the case for women, but men can experience hormone shifts that affect their skin. If you are imbalanced hormonally, you can take a supplement that brings your hormones to the right level. This could have an incredible impact on your skin. If you have tried everything above and still don’t know what’s wrong with your skin, try a hormone test to see where you are at.
Use the Right Products: Face Masks
Of course, you can do all these things and still have skin problems. That’s where some great products come in. One great item is the face mask. With the right mask, you will be able to facilitate the health of your skin in many ways.
First, if you have dry skin during the colder months, you can buy a moisture mask for winter. There are all kinds of moisturizing and hydrating masks, but what about anti-aging masks? That’s a great option to prolong wrinkles or make them less deep. Blackhead masks can extract this type of acne. When it comes to blackheads, there are many products.
Use the Right Products: Blackhead Scrub
A great product for skin care is a good blackhead scrub. With one of these high-quality options, you can remove blackheads easily. Blackheads are difficult to get rid of, but modern skin care technology has caught up and now you can remove a lot of your blackheads with a single scrub.
Use the Right Products: Oily vs. Dry
The face soap or acne wash you use can either help or harm your skin. If you have oily skin, you will need something to dry you out. The opposite goes for dry skin. You need a healthy dose of oil in your soap if your skin gets irritated because it’s so dry. When you are buying your face soap or acne wash, consider these things.
Use the Right Products: Moisturizer
Moisturizers are a great product that can help your skin in many ways. You should choose the right product based on the amount of oil in it and other benefits that the moisturizer has. For example, some moisturizers have anti-wrinkle and anti-aging properties. Others have SPF to protect the skin from the sun’s UV rays. Moisturizers can really help you maintain your skin healthy at any age.
As you can probably tell by now, there are so many things you can do and products you can use to facilitate great skin health and skin that looks great. Start with the natural ways to make your skin healthier. Use the right product to improve it even more, you will be happy that you made an effort because it will pay off.