Whether you have an abundance of supplements in your medicine cabinet or not, you are not alone if you are one of many Americans who take supplements every day. You may also be trying to overcome vitamin deficiencies or lower your risk of developing specific diseases. You could just want to pop a supplement to enhance your overall health.
From zinc to vitamin A, Americans have been absorbing supplements for numerous years. Supplements were first made available in the 1940s, when many people flocked to drug stores in order to purchase these magical supplements to enhance their overall well-being and health, and the demand for supplements has never ceased. Leanbean is one supplement that is undoubtedly beneficial to take and you should check out some Leanbean reviews here.
This article outlines five key things that you should be aware of when taking supplements, these are as follows:
1) Supplements Take Many Forms
Whether in liquid, powder, or pill form, the main goal of dietary supplements often has the same results. These supplements assist you in obtaining the required amount of nutrients to enhance your overall health. This is because they contain at least one key ingredient including minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins.
Some of the most highly sought-after supplements are multivitamins which help you to avoid taking numerous pills every day. However, these supplements can also be purchased as standalone pills.
The common denominator of these supplements is that they tend to be labeled as dietary. These supplements include the following:
- Echinacea
- Fish Oil
- Calcium
- Garlic
- Ginseng
- Vitamin D
- Green tea
- St. John’s wort.
2) Are Dietary Supplements Worth Taking?
There are numerous reasons why supplements are highly sought-after. This is because they tend to work very well alongside a healthy lifestyle. These supplements also carry minimal risk and some of the most common health benefits include the following:
- The inclusion of Folic acid reduced birth defects
- Vitamin B12 helps to ensure that blood cells remain healthy
- Vitamin D helps to enhance the strength of your bones
- Vitamins E and C help to prevent any cell damage from occurring
- Vitamin A slows down any vision loss from age-related degeneration
- Zinc helps to enhance your skin health.
- Melatonin helps to stem any jet lag.
In spite of these suggested benefits and the extensive amount of research that has been conducted into supplements, it has been suggested that the evidence regarding their benefits is not entirely clear. You should bear in mind that taking multivitamins does not guarantee that you will live longer nor does it guarantee that you will not develop diseases like cancer, diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases.
It is also illegal for companies to state that their supplements help to cure, prevent, diagnose, or treat any specific diseases. Thus, you should research extensively into the ingredients contained within the product that you are purchasing.
3) Supplements Are Not Always Guaranteed To Be Safe
In the vast majority of instances, taking supplements like multivitamins does not pose any health risk. However, it is still important to exercise caution when putting any foreign substance in your body. This is because supplements can interact negatively with other forms of medication that you are taking and pose specific risks if you have certain conditions like liver disease or you are about to undergo surgery. Also, it is worth noting that many supplements have not been tested on pregnant women, children, or nursing mothers. Thus, you should exercise caution if you fall into one of these categories.
The federal regulations for supplements are far less stringent than for prescription drugs. This means that some supplements do not contain all of the ingredients on the label, and these hidden ingredients may be unsafe. It is also important to note that specific products that are marked as supplements can contain prescription drugs within them also. Some of the supplements that are riskier include the following:
- St. John’s Wort: this can make other drugs like antidepressants and birth control pills far less effective
- Gingko can increase the chance of your blood thinning
- Vitamin K can reduce the overall impact of any blood thinners
- Herbal supplements like kava and comfrey can cause damage to the liver
- Vitamin A and Beta-carotene can enhance the risk of developing lung cancer if you smoke.
4) Consult With Your Healthcare Provider Prior To Taking Supplements
The most crucial thing to note when you are speaking with a healthcare provider is that you need to discuss the ingredients within any specific supplements you are taking. Discussing these with a healthcare provider will ensure that you have peace of mind. Your doctor will also be able to assess the safety and efficiency of the supplements that you are taking in regard to your personal situation and overall health.
There are some other things to note when you are choosing which supplements to take. These include the following tips:
1. You should take any supplements according to the directions listed on the label and any advice from your healthcare provider.
2. You should assess the ingredients and daily value.
3. You should be wary of any supplements that make bold claims like “entirely safe”.
4. Note that being ‘natural’ does not always mean that the product will be safe.
5. Store your supplements correctly and keep them away from the reach of children.
5) Nothing Beats The Power of Following a Healthy Diet
Irrespective of what you’re aiming to achieve by taking supplements, there is one thing that is certain: supplements are not a replacement for a healthy diet that is filled with nutrients. This is because supplements are designed to be supplementary and not a replacement. Thus, they work best when they are taken to enhance the benefits that have been provided by eating a nutritious diet and following a healthier lifestyle overall.
To conclude, this article has outlined five of the main benefits of taking dietary supplements. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider if you are unsure about the supplements you should take. You should also ensure that you are following a healthy lifestyle in order to reap the benefits of taking these pills. Thank you for reading.