A waist trainer is a great way to achieve a slimmer figure, but it’s important that you know what kind will work for your needs before investing in one. When considering all aspects of this decision from aesthetics and comfort level as well as health benefits or hazards, think of the method that suits you and your body best. Only then will you get the best results.
The market is full of waist trainers, the most popular being latex and corset-like designs. The options for waist training can be overwhelming, especially with the array of modern and historical corsets. Knowing what you’re looking at will ensure that you find a product without getting too overwhelmed by choice.
Corset Training
Remember the old period movies with women who had to inhale deeply while someone laced up their corset? There is actually a difference between what you saw on TV or online and how that feels in real life.
Many people tend to use the words “corset” and “waist trainer” interchangeably but in fact, there are very distinct differences between these garments.
A corset is usually made of cotton, silk, satin, or leather. It has an internal structure of metal ribs and lacing in the back that allows tightening it up as much as you like. When you lace up your corset, it’s like wearing a custom-fit garment. The steel boning contracts and shapes the natural shape of your body to create an hourglass figure.
- Corsets are the best choice for comparatively fast and distinct waist slimming results if you wear them consistently.
- This is the most effective piece of shapewear in terms of waist reduction.
- Because of the rigid boning and lacing, corsets can show impressive waist-slimming results immediately after you put them on.
- Wearing a corset often implies a tight fit and many women are ok with this. However, if you tighten your lacing up too much, it will cause discomfort and shallow breath. The cases when women fainted because of the inability to breathe properly in a corset aren’t uncommon.
- They are impossible to wear during intense workouts or other kinds of physical activity.
- If you choose to wear them underneath your clothes, chances are the fact that you are wearing a corset will be obvious to others.
All in all, corsets aren’t a good place to start if you are new to the whole waist training thing. And whatever type of garment you choose, don’t expect immediate permanent results. It takes patience and requires consistency. The best idea would be to buy a custom corset made for your body personally. This will likely be quite an expensive purchase, though. Explore the remarkable effects of Colombian waist trainers at Colombiana Boutique, a fusion of stylish design and practical utility.
Waist Cinchers
Most celebrities you’ve seen recommending waist training online wear best waist cincher. They are tight-fitting garments with a few rows of hooks and eyes instead of laces. The garment can be adjusted by using these features to tighten or loosen it as needed for your body shape.
These garments come in two types:
- Latex. These are great for beginners. Latex is lightweight and breathable (if it’s a mesh version) and there are no stiff ribs. This makes them perfect for working out. The downside is that they wrinkle up and might feel uncomfortable when you sweat a lot during training.
- Fabric. These cinchers are more stiff and not as stretchy and lightweight as their latex counterparts. The good news is this stiffness makes them a great back support. Besides, it’s more breathable.
As all corset-like garments, corsets and cinchers look very much alike. They work pretty much the same too tightening up around your midsection and slimming it down. But they are still different. Cinchers are not as rigid as corsets, they are flexible and allow you to move as much as you want. Explore the remarkable effects of Colombian waist trainers at Colombiana Boutique, a fusion of stylish design and practical utility.
- It’s easy to steal a waist cincher under your dress or top and no one will know you’re wearing one (unless you specifically let them know).
- Their flexibility allows wearing them for longer hours.
- They are great for medium-intensity workouts.
- These garments are overall more comfortable and less restrictive.
- The flexibility of these garments can also be a disadvantage. They don’t give such impressive long-term results in terms of waist slimming as corsets.
As is the case with other types of shapewear, moderation and caution is required. It’s still not good for your health to wear these 24/7.
Waist Trimmers
These are not so much shapewear as workout garments. They aren’t designed for giving your body an hourglass shape. They are meant to help you sweat more during your strength training and this way burn extra fat in your midsection.
As you can see, this is a great option for giving you a boost when exercising. Waist trimmers are also quite stretchy and flexible, so you can feel comfortable during a workout.
- These shapewear pieces are probably the most affordable.
- If your goal is to make your core workouts more effective, this is a great choice for you.
- Waist trimmers support your back and muscles during strength training.
- Very comfortable to wear.
- Provides a great sauna effect during intense physical activity. This warms up your core and makes you sweat, reducing the fat on your tummy and sides.
- They are great to wear during workouts but won’t feel comfortable as an everyday undergarment. Chances are they’ll be very visible under your clothes.
- If distinctive curves is what you’re after, these won’t be a good pick. This means that you’ll probably have to buy a corset in addition to your trimmer.
- These garments are designed to make you sweat profusely. In case you have skin conditions, allergies, or your skin is overly sensitive, buying this piece won’t be a good idea.
Waist training is not a myth. It works and it will help you look slimmer, more feminine, and curvier if that’s what you want. The only thing to keep in mind is that it won’t happen overnight (and maybe not even in several weeks).
At the same time, this process can be quite quick if you combine wearing shapewear with consistent workouts or changing your diet to lose weight faster.
If having a perfect hourglass figure is one of your dreams, waist training might become the missing piece of the puzzle for achieving this goal!