You will first engage in a discussion when you arrive at the audiologist’s or fitter’s office for your hearing test. You may question noise exposure issues. Following the talk, you will be subject to seven hearing tests designed to assess various aspects of hearing loss.
An audiologist, an authorized hearing aid fitter, or a physician may perform audible range tests. Your doctor may be able to recommend you, and your insurance will pay the costs of your hearing test.
Is a hearing test required?
If you (or a loved one) suspect that you don’t hear as well as you used to, you should have a hearing test. People over the age of 60 and employees in high-noise jobs such as construction or restaurants are especially at risk of hearing loss. Here’s how to tell whether you need to get your hearing checked.
If you’ve already been diagnosed with hearing loss via testing, talk to your hearing care practitioner about how often you should be checked. Hearing, like eyesight, may change over time, and hearing aids must be adjusted regularly.
Getting a hearing test
Excellent news! Hearing exams, unlike many other medical procedures, are painless and non-invasive. Most hearing tests take place in a quiet, sound-treated room (booth) or inclosure meant to block out extraneous sounds that might impair your hearing exams results, such as the heater, air conditioner, or office environment. You will be requested to wear headphones or soft earplugs with cables linked to an audiometer, which will be used to perform the test.
The room may also include specifically positioned speakers for testing newborns, tiny children, or those who must be evaluated while wearing hearing aids or cochlear implants.
Audiometry based on pure tones
This section of a hearing test often comprises pure-tone audiometry, which entails listening to tones at various pitches and loudness. It happens in a sound-proofed room. Your hearing care specialist will converse with you and offer instructions through your headphones. You must concentrate and listen attentively because you must answer even if the tone is light and you can hardly hear it. At each frequency, the test evaluates the softest noises that may be heard.
Speech audiometry
Speech audiometry is another component of most hearing examinations that employs recorded or live speech instead of pure tones in a calm environment. The speech component of the exam assesses your ability to hear and interpret the quietest spoken sounds (threshold). You will next be asked to repeat words provided at a level well beyond the point to see how precisely you grasp them. Some practitioners employ speech sounds to establish your most comfortable listening level and your maximum limits of listening comfort.
Tests of speech in noise and words in noise
Most individuals complain about hearing in loud situations, not in quiet sound-treated rooms. The Connected Speech Test (CST), the Speech Perception in Noise test (SPIN), the Speech in Noise test (SIN or Quick SIN), and the Hearing in Noise Test are all common tests used to reproduce and evaluate this hearing skill (HINT). You may choose to take one or more of these exams.
You will listen to a speaker pronounce words and sentences while a soundtrack plays progressively loud noises during these exams. These tests are excellent for evaluating “real-world” hearing abilities, simulating how you may hear in a busy restaurant or grocery store. You may undergo a similar ordeal after receiving your hearing aids to fine-tune the amplification settings on your device.
Tympanometry examinations
Tympanometry examinations include movement of the eardrum. An instrument will modify the air pressure inside your ear during this painless test to see whether any specific medical conditions, such as an ear infection or a blockage of your Eustachian tube, should be considered.
Then you should anticipate being put in a soundproof room and given headphones through which the administrator will speak to you or play noises.
Through these headphones, you will entertain with a series of Waterloo Hearing Test, including:
- a speech reception threshold test (SRT),
- a most comfortable listening level test (MCL),
- a pure-tone test,
- an uncomfortable loudness level test (UCL), and
- a word recognition test, also known as a speech discrimination test.
Finally, the bone conduction test is performed. A minute oscillator (similar to a little disc) will be placed on the bone at the back of your ear, stimulating your inner ear. You will be prompted to specify the volume level once again.
Once your exams are completed, the findings should be available immediately, and the administrator should discuss them with you and put them into the context of your daily life. Hearing tests will determine if your hearing loss is sensory neural or a mix of the two.
The assessment findings will also tell you if your hearing loss is mild, moderate, severe, or profound. Remember that, according to HIPAA restrictions, you are not required to buy your hearing aid from the specialists who performed your hearing tests; instead, you may get a copy of the findings of your hearing tests without making a purchase.
Hearing tests are critical in identifying the extent of your hearing loss. The author has collaborated with audiologists to promote hearing test centres and has advised on purchasing the finest hearing aid on the market.
Bottom Line
If the tests reveal that you do not have hearing loss, the audiologist will tell you when you should have another test and give you some hearing care suggestions.
Your audiologist will generally schedule a follow-up session if you are diagnosed with hearing loss. This visit might be for further testing or to explore hearing aid choices. After your first hearing exam, you may be allowed to look into hearing aids. However, this is not guaranteed. What is assured is that you will be told of the diagnosis and discussed the following steps, so you should leave the session satisfied that you understand precisely what will happen next. Do you want to learn more? Visit Waterloo Hearing Test now to learn all you need about our hearing testing.