We’d all like to avoid memory loss. By implementing these seven healthy habits you can boost your brain and protect yourself from problems later in life.
If you’ve forgotten where you put your keys or eyeglasses at some point, you’re not alone. You may have thought they were on the counter but found them on the sofa.
How on earth did that happen?
Cut yourself some slack, because we all forget things once in a while.
But unfortunately, over time, as you age, memory loss gets worse. And although losing your memory is more common as you get older, it can happen to people at any age.
A variety of things can cause memory loss:
- Prescription medications
- Heart surgery
- Lack of sleep
- Head injuries
- Not getting enough vitamin B12
- Kidney and liver disorders
- Brain tumors
- Sleep apnea
- Aging
If you’re having issues with your memory (and even if you aren’t), there are some things you can do to improve it.
Keep reading to learn how to combat memory issues. Apply these seven tips, and with any luck, you should have a clearer and sharper mind!
1. Eat Dark Chocolate

Chocolate lovers can rejoice because dark chocolate can improve your memory!
It turns out there are compounds in chocolate known as cocoa flavonoids. And it just so happens that the cocoa flavonoids improve brain function.
In 2011 there was a randomized controlled trial. The trial showed that eating dark chocolate improved people’s memory and performance. Their reaction time was quicker in regards to a timed task.
Now, you don’t want to go overkill on eating dark chocolate. But eating a little bit each day can be beneficial.
Besides, if you like having a mid-day snack, now, you have an excuse!
Eat dark chocolate more regularly, and your brain function will be top-notch!
2. Take a Fish Oil Supplement
Studies show that taking fish oil supplements can improve your memory.
In particular, fish oil can significantly improve an older person’s memory.
When you’re looking for a fish oil supplement to try, look for one with a high content of DHA and EPA. Most experts recommend taking 250-500 mg a day.
Both DHA and EPA from fish oil improves your health and helps your brain function better.
And, fish oil also has other health benefits. A few of these benefits are an improvement in your mood and better heart health.
3. Organize Your Notes
If you feel disorganized, it might be your scattered notes that are affecting your memory.
Since you process information in “clusters”, organize your notes by outlining specific topics.
If you have more than one work project going on, don’t write random notes about all of them on one sheet of paper. Create a section for each project instead.
And even if you’re working on chores, try dividing things up based on room or specific areas in your apartment.
Divide your notes up based on each project so that it’s easier to comb through them as you work on any project. That way, your memory will recall things through clusters. And, you’ll likely be more productive as well!
Try it for yourself and see if your memory improves!
4. Consume Less Sugar
We all know overeating sugar is terrible for us. Initially, it may wake you up, but then shortly after, you get what’s known as a “sugar crash.”
Having sugar too often can lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Besides getting obese, sugar is also bad for your memory and can have disastrous effects.
Research tells us that overeating sugar can result in Alzheimer’s disease. Specifically, having sugary drinks every day results in lower brain function.
Over time, that creates a higher risk for you to get Alzheimer’s down the line.
Make it a priority to eat less sugar and focus on filling your body with food that’ll improve your brain.
5. Practice Meditation
It makes sense that meditation improves your brain function. Spending time meditating helps you focus and concentrate better.
If you tend to get stressed out (and even if you don’t!) give meditation a try. It can help take your mind off your worries and focus on the here and now instead.
Practicing a variety of relaxation techniques improves cognitive functioning. While meditating, taking deep breaths also helps.
Make time to meditate regularly, and you’ll undoubtedly improve your memory!
6. Read ALoud
If you want to remember what you’re reading better, try reading aloud.
Experts tell us that reading out load helps you recall the information. It’s not something that everyone often does, but it has excellent benefits!
So, if you have something you’re learning about, try reading out loud every once in a while.
You may find that you absorb more information and are more likely to remember it.
If you get the chance to teach others by reading aloud, this is yet another way to boost your brain.
7. Check For Vitamin D Deficiency
It’s common for people to be deficient in vitamin D, so you should get your levels checked every so often.
Of course, spending time in the sun helps.
But some people still have issues absorbing vitamin D. That’s why you should get your blood work done once in a while. Ask your doctor how often they’d recommend getting a blood test.
People are more likely to develop dementia if their vitamin D levels are low.
So, if you’ve been feeling tired and having a hard time paying attention, it wouldn’t hurt to see if vitamin D may be the issue.
In Conclusion
Since you have the opportunity to improve your health and memory, why wait?
Your mind is essential, and it’s up to you to take care of it so you’ll stay sharp now and in the future.
Ideally, there are preventatives to getting dementia in the future. You may not be able to control what happens, but you can take care of yourself.
Prevent memory loss, and you’ll enjoy an excellent recall for years to come.
[Author bio]
Caitlin Sinclair is the Business Manager at The Rylan. With over five years of property management experience, she begins and ends each day loving what she does. She finds joy in helping current and future residents and makes The Rylan a place everyone loves to call home.