Botox injections for the face are one of the most common procedures, which has already been recognized by years of research, the quality of preparations, and rather gentle action that preserves the activity of facial expressions. It effectively eliminates fine lines between the eyebrows, forehead lines, crow’s feet, and marionette lines. In this article, we will try to determine a perfect candidate and a good age to start Botox. Keep on reading!

What is Botox for the face?
Botox is the name of one of the trademarks, and the drug itself is called botulinum toxin type A. Initially, botulinum toxin was used in neurology to correct pathological muscle conditions, but in the early 90s, it was also proposed for cosmetological purposes – to “freeze” mimic wrinkles that appear in areas of active movement of facial muscles. That’s why there was a joke that with the advent of Botox, women started winning at poker: hiding their emotions became much easier!
Now, Botox is mainly famous as a wrinkle treatment injected into the areas on the forehead, between the eyebrows, under the eyes, and sometimes, around the mouth.
Every woman and man who is considering Botox injections, and other cosmetic procedures that may also be necessary to achieve the look they desire, needs to do some soul-searching
and homework before undergoing the procedure. Robert N. Butler, MD, gerontologist, president of the International Longevity Center in New York City, and Pulitzer Prizewinning
author of the book Why Survive? Being Old in America, admits that “by and large, Botox injections are a relatively safe procedure. But my own philosophy in medicine has always been, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. So although Botox seems to be relatively safe, I still think the person who seeks it should be fully informed of any of the dangers and should give some real thought to the question: Do I really want to have a smooth forehead?”
In order for you to decide if you need or desire to have a smooth forehead or to eliminate other troublesome wrinkles, you need to start with the basics and ask yourself: When I look in the mirror, what do I see I mean really see?
- Do you see a person who is self-confident and poised, but who has a few wrinkles that she believes take away from her appearance and make her feel a little bit older on the outside than she feels inside?
- Do you see a person who is basically happy and full of energy, but who believes that getting rid of the lines between his eyes will make him look as young as he feels?
- Do you see a person who is depressed or who has just been hurt by a relationship gone bad and who believes that wiping out the crow’s-feet and lines on her forehead will make her incredibly happy and ready to jump back into the dating scene?
- Do you see someone who believes that cosmetic procedures will make him or her perfect?
- Do you see a person who has lines and wrinkles but who feels happy and secure with herself, and who personally sees no reason why she should give in to the pressures society places on people to look young and beautiful?
The first two questions are about people who have a pretty realistic view of themselves. A “yes” to either of these questions indicates that you realize that getting Botox injections
will enhance some part of your life, but it will not drastically change it. In other words, if for some reason the injections did not work, or if you were unable to continue to afford them, your life would not fall apart. You would adjust; life would go on. Perhaps you would consider another cosmetic procedure that would achieve your goal, but perhaps not.
If you see yourself answering “yes” to questions three or four, you need to stop and take a reality check. If you are depressed, anxious, experiencing feelings of despair or hopelessness, or generally feeling pessimistic about your life, your negative emotional state is coloring how you see yourself. The picture you see of yourself is distorted. You’re in a state of mind that isn’t best for making a big decision, such as whether or not you should have a cosmetic procedure.
Finally, if the last question describes you, then you’re not a candidate for Botox. That’s all right; Botox is not for everyone. Instead, pass this book along to a friend who may be contemplating getting the injections.
How Botox can help
Ingrid is certainly not alone. Every year in the United States, millions of men and women undergo one or more cosmetic procedures that in some way enhance or change their appearance. From chemical peels to nose reconstruction to eyelid tucks, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other cosmetic surgeons across the country are reshaping the way Americans look, and as a result, how they feel about themselves.
Now we have another cosmetic procedure to add to the list, an important new tool approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in April 2002 in our quest to look and feel younger: Botox Cosmetic (referred to after this point simply as Botox).
Injections of Botox, one of the fastest-growing cosmetic procedures on the market today, are used for the reduction or elimination of facial wrinkles caused by dynamic, or hyper functional, muscles (muscles that get a lot of use). Those are the wrinkles that form when you contract your facial muscles to form a frown, squint, grimace, smile, or other type of expression, resulting in those tell-tale lines around your eyes, mouth, or nose, and across your forehead. Botox can be very effective in temporarily getting rid of some, but not all, of your facial wrinkles. But before we talk about which wrinkles Botox can banish, let’s find out more about this popular substance.
Who is a perfect candidate for Botox for facial muscles?
For cosmetic reasons, a perfect candidate is a healthy adult patient without any contraindications to the procedure with the beginning mimic wrinkles. The injections of Botox are effective till the age of 50. Unfortunately, Botox is not able to smooth out deep-set wrinkles and deep lines in patients over 50. They may need the injections of dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid. However, if the patient used Botox for preventative measures at an earlier age to minimize muscle movement, the skin will be much smoother than in patients who didn’t. In a combination with other treatments and cosmetic procedures, it may give an incredibly beautiful result.
What is the best age to start Botox treatment? What about younger patients?
There is no clear answer here because dynamic wrinkles appear differently for everyone. Then it depends on whether you want to eliminate them. As a rule, an indication is considered when the wrinkle is clearly visible at rest. However, the average age is around 30 to 35 years. In recent years, cosmetic doctors notice an increasing tendency of preventative Botox procedures, when patients start using Botox injections at an early age (below 30) with an aim to prevent wrinkles and fine lines rather than eliminating them in the future.
Unfortunately, no one can tell you the right age to start injections of botulinum toxin. For some people, it may be 35, while for the others may notice wrinkles even in 25 if you are genetically predisposed. Everything depends on genetics, your facial movements, lifestyle, and so on.
Who is not suitable for Botox?
As with any medicine, there are indications, and they must be discussed with a doctor. For example, Botox is generally not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. And it is definitely impossible to give injections if there is even the slightest manifestation of malaise. Patience under 18 also cannot have injections. Bleeding disorders, inflammation, and infections at the injection site are also reasons for the doctor to refuse in giving Botox, as well as diabetes, cancer, and so on.