Tinnitus is a common hearing problem that affects millions of people all over the world. However, since this hearing condition only affects the person experiencing it, it can be difficult sharing what the experience is like with others. When you have tinnitus, only you can hear the sounds of tinnitus, which makes it difficult to share with friends, family, and partners. This makes some come to wonder: is tinnitus real?
Here, we’re taking a closer look at tinnitus, what this hearing condition sounds like, and what causes it. We also examine some of the effective treatments for tinnitus, such as tinnitus health supplements like Tinnitus 911, and answer one of the most common questions: is tinnitus real? In fact, yes it is. Read on to learn more about this common hearing problem.
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is much more common than many might think. In fact, according to the American Tinnitus Association (ATA), roughly 50 million Americans experience tinnitus to some degree. While this hearing problem tends to affect people more as they get older, those of any age can experience tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a hearing problem that causes an individual to hear sounds when there is no external stimulus causing the sound. These “phantom noises” may be temporary, triggered by stress or anxiety, or become permanent. Depending on the severity of your tinnitus, this hearing problem could be just a minor annoyance or dramatically impact the quality of your daily life. Left untreated, tinnitus can lead to anxiety, stress, insomnia, or even depression. Struggling with tinnitus can also negatively affect your personal and professional relationships.
What Does Tinnitus Sound Like?
Tinnitus affects every individual differently, which means that it will sound slightly different for every individual, too. Since tinnitus varies in severity, this can also affect the intensity of the tinnitus symptoms.
Here are the most common sounds of tinnitus:
- Buzzing.
- Ringing.
- Clicking.
- Pulsing.
- Whooshing.
- Roaring.
In some cases, the way that tinnitus sounds to someone can be linked to the specific cause of their tinnitus. For example, if your tinnitus sounds like a pulsing noise (known as pulsatile tinnitus) this probably indicates that your tinnitus is caused by a blood vessel disorder.
This is why it’s critical to meet with your doctor if you think you’re experiencing tinnitus. While most forms of tinnitus are caused by age-related hearing loss or exposure to loud noises, some cases of tinnitus may be caused by an underlying medical condition, such as acoustic neuroma that should be diagnosed and treated by your doctor.
Additional causes of tinnitus may include:
- Age-related hearing loss.
- Exposure to loud noises.
- Ear wax blockage.
- Ototoxic medications.
- Acoustic neuroma.
- Blood vessel disorders.
- Injuries to the head or neck.
- Changes to the inner ear bones.
- Meniere’s disease.
Is Tinnitus Real?
To answer this simply: yes, tinnitus is very real. Just ask one of the millions of people who live with this condition every day. If you’ve never experienced tinnitus, it may be hard to wrap your head around this hearing problem. How can someone hear a sound that no one else can? Isn’t it just all in their head?
Well, yes and no. Tinnitus is caused by a variety of underlying health conditions that affect how the brain is able to process incoming sounds. But the sounds and severity of tinnitus is also based on the underlying cause. So, in a way, it’s true that tinnitus is in your head, but that doesn’t make that constant ringing noise any less real.
In fact, many of us have experienced tinnitus and you may not even realize it. Have you ever attended a concert and left with a slight ringing in your ears for a few minutes after? If so, you’ve had tinnitus. While this may only be temporary, it still proves the reality of this common hearing problem.
Is There a Cure for Tinnitus?
Currently, there is no medical cure for tinnitus. However, this doesn’t mean there isn’t hope for relief from the symptoms of tinnitus. Doctors and audiologists have developed various treatment methods that can help people manage their tinnitus symptoms. In some cases, some patients may not even notice their tinnitus symptoms with time.
Tinnitus Health Supplements
Based on the cause of your tinnitus, doctors will recommend various treatment options that may prove more effective. However, no matter the cause of your tinnitus, implementing a tinnitus health supplement as part of your daily diet can prove beneficial. These health supplements, like Tinnitus 911, are created with organic ingredients to give your body what it needs to naturally reduce the sounds of tinnitus and help you manage your symptoms. These tinnitus health supplements also offer various other health benefits, such as reduced stress and anxiety, reduce inflammation, and better focus.
Conclusion – Is Tinnitus Real?
If you constantly hear a slight buzzing or ringing sound in your ears, you may be one of millions of people living with tinnitus. While tinnitus may just be a minor annoying buzzing sound for some people, worse cases of this hearing problem can affect every aspect of your daily life. Tinnitus can make communication much more difficult and put a strain on your relationships. Over time, it can also cause anxiety, stress, or even depression. Without a doubt, tinnitus is a real and a serious hearing problem that should not be ignored.
While there is no cure for tinnitus, there are various treatment options available that can help people live with their tinnitus symptoms. It’s important to first visit your doctor to receive a professional diagnosis for your tinnitus. Since tinnitus can be caused by so many different underlying causes, such as ear wax blockage, age-related hearing loss, or certain medications, it’s critical to first identify the source of your tinnitus symptoms. Once you understand the source of your tinnitus, your doctor or audiologist can work to develop a personalized treatment plan to help you better manage your tinnitus symptoms and take back control of your life. Even with tinnitus, you can live a happy and peaceful life.