Gynecologists and Obstetricians in Sydney have been speaking out recently regarding female health and the importance of regular checkups. This is something which can help in so many ways, especially with regards to getting issues diagnosed and dealt with as early as possible. Beyond a regular checkup however, there are a number of signs which women should watch out for, that could indicate it is time to go and speak with your gynecologist. Knowledge is power when it comes to our health and this is why today we are going to have a deeper look into what some of the key signs are, with regards to your genital health.
This may not be a pleasurable experience for any of us, yet it is one which could prevent a great deal of pain and suffering, and which may even save your life. Here then are the signs which tell you that an appointment with your gynecologist is necessary.
Change of Scent
We may not always smell like sunshine and rainbows but most of us have a pretty good idea as to how we generally smell down below. A healthy vagina will always release a little bit of discharge yet this is an odorless discharge which is no cause for concern. If however you have released discharge which doesn’t smell right, or if you notice a change in the way that you smell, it may be worth getting to your gynecologist to check yourself out. The change in smell can indicate a deeper lying issue.
Burning or Itching
Beyond the irritation of a new set of underwear, or the growth of pubic hair, there should be no feeling of burning or itchiness downstairs. In fact if you do begin to get the sensation of burning or you have a high level of itchiness over a long period of time, you should get yourself checked out. The most common reason for burning and itchiness is a urinary tract infection, which can usually be resolved easily. In fact a UTI can often be resolved with water and cranberry juice. If however you leave a UTI untreated then it can turn into a kidney infection which will require a much higher level of care. This is why it makes sense to get checked out as soon as you possibly can.
Increased Period Intensity
If the intensity of the pain which you face during your period has increased then a visit to the gyno could be called for. An occasional period which is more painful than usual isn’t always something to worry about, but if this continues then you will have to speak with a professional to understand exactly why this is the case. Those heavy cramps could be the result of a fibroid issue, which can be easily resolved. Remember that pain is usually your body telling you that something just isn’t right.
Painful Sex
Having sex can occasionally be painful for a variety of reasons, but if you feel that this is always the case for you then seeing a gynecologist is going to be the best course of action for you. There are a number of issues which could be causing this pain, from STIs to fibroids, or even a cyst which hasn’t ruptured. Don’t ignore this pain as it could very well be your body giving you an early warning that things are not all that they should be.
Bleeding Outside of Periods
The only time that you should see any heavy bleeding from your vagina is during your time of the month. Occasionally women will have spotting during the month, which is acceptable. If however this spotting becomes heavier than usual or in fact you see a flow of blood when it is not your time of the month, you need to ensure that you get this looked at. This can be a sign that you have an infection or a cyst, and in some rarer cases it could certainly be an early sign of cancer. The point is that there is no reason for you to take any risks here, so if you see heavy bleeding it is best to go and see your gynecologist to understand exactly why this is happening.
Getting to Grips With Your PMS
Every woman’s period will differ regarding how much they bleed and how painful the cramps are, and PMS symptoms can range wildly too. Most of us however are well in tune with what we are feeling and those early warning signs that our period is on its way. If however you are facing more extreme PMS symptoms than normal, it may very well be that you need to speak with your gynecologist to find out exactly why this is happening. You may find that you have developed premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD) which can negatively impact many areas of your life. If this is the case then there are treatments available, but you first need to know what is going on and why you feel this way. If your PMS symptoms are more extreme on a single occasion it may not be anything to worry about, if however this continues, it is absolutely worthwhile getting some help and finding out how you can prevent this from happening.
Issues With Birth Control
There are a number of birth control options out there for women, but not every option is right for everyone. If you have recently changed your birth control and you are not feeling great, it is important that you speak to your gynecologist to see what options you have available to you. Sometimes one kind of birth control just doesn’t feel the way that it should, whilst another could still do the job and leave you feeling much better indeed.
It is critical that all women above the age of 21 go for an annual checkup with the gynecologist, and that should they spot any of the signs which we have discussed here, they seek out immediate help.