Lavender Quick Facts |
Name: |
Lavender |
Scientific Name: |
Lavandula angustifolia |
Origin |
Mediterranean region, the Arabian Peninsula, and Russia |
Taste |
Pungent |
Health benefits |
Protects Heart Health, Treats Sleep Issues, Skin Care, Reduces Anxiety & Stress, Lessens Menopausal Hot Flashes, Anti-inflammatory Qualities, Antiseptic Ability, Prevents Digestive Issues, Hair Care, Help Combat Fungus Growth, Heals migraine headaches, Bug Repellent, Relieves Stress & Anxiety, Treats Respiratory Disorders, Improves Blood Circulation, Treats Eczema, Effective painkiller, Alleviates menstrual cramps and PMS |
Lavandula angustifolia most commonly known as true lavender, common lavender or English lavender, formerly L. officinalis, is a flowering plant in the Lamiaceae ⁄ Labiatae (Mint family). The plant is native to Mediterranean region, the Arabian Peninsula, and Russia. It is grown in Europe, the United States, and Australia. It has been a mainstay of herb gardens for many years. It was reportedly named English lavender because of its ability to grow well in the English climate. This “true lavender” is commercially planted for harvesting its oils for use in perfumes. Lavender flowers and foliage are also popular additions to sachets and potpourris. English lavender varieties are more often used for culinary purposes than other types of lavender. The plant has got several common names including Common Lavender, English Lavender, Garden Lavender, Lavender, Narrow-Leaved Lavender, Old English Lavender, Spike Lavender, True Lavender and French lavender.
Genus name comes from the Latin word lavo meaning I wash in reference to a former use of the plant as an aromatic wash. The species name angustifolia is Latin word which means “narrow leaf”. Previously, it was known as Lavandula officinalis, referring to its medicinal properties. It is cultivated widely for its aromatic flowers in various parts of France, in Italy and in England and even as far north as Norway. It is also now being grown as a perfume plant in Australia.
Fragrant oil to which the odor of Lavender flowers is due is a valued article of commerce, much used in perfumery, and to a lesser extent in medicine. Fine aromatic smell is found in all parts of the shrub, but the essential oil is only produced from the flowers and flower-stalks. Besides being grown for the production of this oil, it is widely sold in the fresh state as ‘bunched Lavender,’ and as ‘dried Lavender,’ the flowers are used powdered, for sachet making and also for pot-pourri, etc., so that the plant is a considerable source of profit.
Plant Description
Lavender is a small branched, strongly aromatic, semi woody, semi evergreen perennial shrub that normally grows about 1 to 2 meters (3.3 to 6.6 ft.) tall with a short, but irregular, crooked, much-branched stem, covered with a yellowish-grey bark, which comes off in flakes, and very numerous, erect, straight, broom-like, slender, bluntly-quadrangular branches, finely pubescent, with stellate hairs.. The plant is found growing in dry grassy slopes amongst rocks, in exposed, usually parched, hot rocky situations often on calcareous soils. The plant requires well-drained light, sandy, or sandy loam, or gravelly soils in full sun. Low-fertility soils are still suitable. Too moist soils will cause poor plant growth, diseases or kill the plant. English lavenders prefer alkaline soils, whereas the lavandin varieties need slightly more acidic soils.
The leaves are linear to linear-lanceolate, opposite, sessile, entire, linear, blunt; when young, white with dense stellate hairs on both surfaces; their margins strongly revolute; when full grown, 2–6 centimeters (0.79–2.36 in) long, and 4–6 millimeters (0.16–0.24 in) broad on flowering shoots, <17 × 2 mm on leafy shoots, green with scattered hairs above, smoothly or finely downy beneath, and the margins only slightly revolute.
Flowers are produced in terminating, blunt spikes from the young shoots, on long stems. Spikes are composed of whorls or rings of flowers, each composed of from six to ten flowers, the lower whorls more distant from one another. The flowers themselves are very shortly stalked, three to five together in the axils of rhomboidal, brown, thin, dry bracts. Calyx is tubular and ribbed, with thirteen veins, purple-grey in color, five-toothed (one tooth being longer than the others) and hairy; shining oil glands amongst the hairs are visible with a lens. The majority of the oil yielded by the flowers is contained in the glands on the calyx. The two-lipped corolla is of a beautiful bluish-violet color. Bracts are rhombic-obovate long-pointed, shorter than sepals. Sepal cup is cylindrical, 5 mm, 13-ribbed; teeth nearly equal. Flowers are 1-1.2 cm long, 13-veined, densely velvety outside, base hairless, throat and limb glandular hairy. Upper lip is straight, with lobes circular and slightly overlapping; lower lip is spreading.
Most lavender originates in the Mediterranean basin, in rocky, calcareous areas. Lavender occurs over North Africa, the Mediterranean, Europe and Western India. Lavender was cultivated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and in Elizabethan England. The name “lavender” comes from the Latin verb lavare “to wash” or “to bathe.” Spike lavender grows wild over a large part of the Mediterranean area, preferring warmer and lower regions than lavender and lavandin.
Types of Lavender
Listed below are some of the well-known health benefits of Lavender
1. Anouk (Lavandula stoechas)

Anouk is compact and has flower heads of dark plum topped with violet-blue bracts that turn light pink when they mature and last a very long time. They bloom from mid- to late-spring to early summer, and they can even flourish in late summer or early fall. Bees and butterflies love them, and they typically grow in bushy mounds up to 18 inches tall.
2. Ballerina (Lavandula stoechas)

This one consists of plump, bright purple petals that are topped with long, white petals that finally mature into pink and purple. It has silver foliage and is extremely aromatic, growing up to three feet tall and three feet wide. It booms in mid- to late-spring to early summer, and can even bloom again in the fall. Bees and butterflies love it, and it makes for stunning hedges and containers.
3. Betty’s Blue (Lavandula angustifolia)

Compact and tidy, this type of lavender has large, deep violet flowers and erect stems and forms beautiful domes in your garden. They have a sweet fragrance and are perfect for containers and low hedges. Also great for use as dried flowers, it blooms once in the middle of the summer.
4. Fathead (Lavandula stoechas)

With plump, round petals in dark purple and long, lavender-colored petals sitting on top of it, this plant has beautiful silver foliage, is very aromatic, and grows best in full sun. They are long-lasting flowers and look spectacular in mass plantings and as hedges.
5. Folgate (Lavandula angustifolia)

This award-winning flower is hardy and comes back year after year. It consists of iridescent violet-blue petals and it is one of the first lavenders to bloom. It blooms in mid- to late-spring and has a wonderful scent.
6. Grosso (Lavandula x intermedia)

It is a vigorous flower with a scent that is much stronger than most other types of lavender; this plant has petals that are very large and deep purple in color. Since they retain their color and scent when dried, they make excellent potpourri and beautiful sachets. Perfect for mass plantings and even rock gardens, this form of lavender is showy and eye-catching, and bees and butterflies love it.
7. Hidcote (Lavandula angustifolia)

With a beautiful and long-lasting scent, the Hidcote has spikes consisting of dark purple blooms and blue-green foliage, making it a truly striking plant. The winner of several international flower awards, it is perfect for borders, edging, and low hedges. It blooms in late spring or early summer.
8. Hidcote Giant (Lavandula x intermedia)

It is a winner of several international flower awards; this type of lavender has dense, bright-violet petals that grow outwards with a very strong fragrance, not to mention long stems that grow up to 30 inches tall. It is a great showy specimen, the Hidcote Giant makes great borders and blooms from mid- to late-summer. It is also perfect for herb gardens.
9. Impress Purple (Lavandula x intermedia)

This type of lavender works great in bouquets and as cut flowers for vases, and it consists of strongly scented petals of dark purple and beautiful green foliage. The plant grows up to 30 inches high, does well even in dry soil, and does a great job of attracting butterflies and bees.
10. Kew Red (Lavandula stoechas)

A lavender plant with an unusual color, the petals are plump and deep crimson-pink and topped with pale pink flowers that fade to white as they mature. It has silver, very aromatic foliage, and bees and butterflies love it. Eye-catching as hedges or in containers, the Kew Red can bloom as early as May, and it thrives in full sun and dry to medium soil.
11. Lavandula angustifolia (English Lavender)

Native to the Mediterranean area, English lavender is great for potpourri, cooking, garden borders, and even for its oil. It blooms on an upright stem in mid- to late-summer, and consists of colors that include violet-blue, lavender, white-pink, or blue-purple. With delightful fragrances, the English lavender is attractive to butterflies and bees and grows up to three feet high.
12. Lavandula pedunculata subsp. pedunculata (Lavender)

Winner of several international flower awards, this type of lavender has gray-green foliage and has flower heads of dark plum that are topped with long flowers that are a lighter shade of purple. Blooms are particularly unique and eye-catching, and it has both blooms and leaves that smell wonderful.
13. Lavandula stoechas (Lavender)

Also called the French lavender, Butterfly lavender, or Spanish lavender, this plant has silver foliage that is very aromatic, and the flowers make a great essential oil or potpourri. It is beautiful as hedges or in containers, and it blooms from mid-spring to late summer. It tolerates dry soil and is resistant to deer and rabbits.
14. Lavenite Petite (Lavandula angustifolia)

With its short stems, tight foliage, and intense violet petals, this type of lavender is perfect for containers and shorter vases. It has a tremendous scent, blooms in mid- to late-spring, and has contrasting gray-green foliage that makes it stand out. Originating in New Zealand, the Lavenite Petite even has leaves that smell fantastic.
15. Little Lottie (Lavandula angustifolia)

The plant is a winner of several international flower awards, this type of lavender blooms in late spring or early summer and consists of masses of beautiful light pink flower spikes. It is considered popular choice for containers and even culinary uses, the Little Lottie prefers full sun and dry to medium soil.
16. Melissa Lilac (Lavandula angustifolia)

Blooming once in the middle of the summer, this plant is a type of English lavender and looks like a lilac colored marshmallow. It has stunning, compact, large flower spikes and silver-gray foliage that is broad and perfectly complements the flowers themselves. It is perfect for borders and edging.
17. Miss Katherine (Lavandula angustifolia)

The Miss Katherine variety of lavender has won several international flower awards and consists of masses of beautiful, deep pink petals and silver calyces that make it shine when it’s in the sun. It blooms once in late spring to early summer, and the flowers are dense, open, and last a very long time. It is a perfect flower for low hedges, rock gardens, and containers.
18. Munstead (Lavandula angustifolia)

With rosy purple flowers and a height of up to two feet, this type of lavender blooms in late spring or early summer and has gray-green foliage that perfectly complements its petals. It is beautiful and eye-catching all year long and looks great in hedges, containers, and knot gardens. It also has a delightful scent that lasts a very long time.
19. Nana Alba (Lavandula angustifolia)

The winner of several international flowers awards, the Nana Alba blooms once in mid-summer and consists of snowy white flowers that come in short spikes and eye-catching silver-green foliage. Both its blooms and its scent last a very long time, and it is perfect for white gardens, containers, and small gardens.
20. Phenomenal (Lavandula x intermedia)

These plants bloom earlier than other types of lavender usually mid- to late-summer and consist of narrow leaves that are gray-green in color with dense, violet-blue petal spikes that can grow up to 30 inches tall. They grow well even in heat and humidity, attract butterflies and bees, and make great showy specimens and borders.
21. Provence (Lavandula x intermedia)

If you live in a humid area, this is one of the best lavender plants to purchase because they do great in those conditions. They are usually known as the Fat Lavender plant, and they consist of large petals of pale lavender, making them perfect for hedges. The Provence can grow up to three feet tall and has one of the strongest fragrances of all lavender plants.
22. Regal Splendor (Lavandula stoechas)

With violet blue flower heads and long pink-purple flowers on top, the contrast is stunning and sure to catch people’s attention. Deer- and rabbit-resistant, the Regal Splendor grows up to 30 inches tall and is a magnet for butterflies and bees. It makes a beautiful hedge and looks great in mass plantings.
23. Rosea (Lavandula angustifolia)

Blooming in late spring or early summer, the Rosea flourishes in full sun and dry to medium soil. It is very fragrant and has upright petals of pale pink and silver-gray foliage. Both its flowers and its foliage are wonderfully scented, and it can grow up to 30 feet in height. These plants are perfect for perennial borders, low hedges, and even herb gardens.
24. Royal Purple (Lavandula angustifolia)

Deer and rabbit resistant, the Royal Purple has vibrant, long, lilac flowers on beautiful long stems that bloom once in the beginning of the summer. It is tall, growing up to three feet in height, and elegant, and has a sweet fragrance. It is also perfect for crafts and certain culinary uses.
25. Royal Velvet (Lavandula angustifolia)

This plant blooms twice starting in late spring or early summer, grows rapidly, and retains its beautiful look and aroma for a very long time. Perfect for herb gardens and low hedges, it produces eye-catching intense lavender blooms on stems that grow up to 30 inches high. It does best in full sun and is perfect when used in perennial borders, low hedges, and rock gardens.
26. Seal (Lavandula x intermedia)

With a height of up to three feet, these plants are perfect for borders, mass plantings, and even in rock gardens. They have violet-blue petals and leafless stems, a soft and pleasant fragrance, and are great for potpourri or sachets. The Seal lavender is deer and rabbit resistant and is attractive to bees and butterflies.
27. Thumbelina Leigh (Lavandula angustifolia)

With flowers that bloom continuously from early- to mid-summer, this type of lavender consists of round, compact, two-tone flowers of violet-blue which are extremely fragrant. They are stunning flowers that look great in containers and herb gardens, and butterflies and bees love them.
Health Benefits of Lavender
The scent and flavor of lavender are wonderful, but the bonus comes from its wide range of health benefits, which we will explore in greater detail below.
1. Protects Heart Health
The relaxing qualities of lavender, which come from its organic compounds and antioxidants, also help the heart by reducing blood pressure and easing the tension on blood vessels. This can prevent atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems, thus lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack. (1)
2. Treats Sleep Issues
If you frequently fight with insomnia, apnea or restless sleep patterns, it can adversely impact your life, as suggested by a research published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. By brewing a few lavender flowers in hot water, you can steep a wonderful tea that has been used to induce sleep and relaxation for thousands of years. This is closely linked to the flower’s impact on the nervous system, and can also help clear your mind of negative thoughts. It is commonly used in meditation techniques and its essential oils are used in aromatherapy. (2)
3. Skin Care
An easy method to care your skin is by filling a spray bottle with lavender flowers. When your skin is feeling dry or irritated, simply spray some of the infused water on the area, and enjoy quick relief. This can also work for chronic conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and acne. (3)
4. Reduces Anxiety & Stress
According to research in the journal Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, there are a number of methods of using lavender to soothe anxiety and stress. The natural organic compounds in its leaves and flowers can be ground between the fingers and then rubbed onto the temples. This topical application can calm the body and mind by relieving anxious thoughts and balancing the mood. Apart from this topical application, you can also brew lavender tea and achieve much the same effect. The antioxidant components in it can impact the endocrine system to lower the levels of stress hormones in the body. (4)
5. Lessens Menopausal Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a common menopause symptom that affects many women. It causes a sudden feeling of heat over the body, and it can make the face flushed and trigger perspiration. But lavender aromatherapy for 20 minutes twice a day may help reduce menopause flashing and improve quality of life.(5)
6. Anti-inflammatory Qualities
Everyone is looking for a reliable way to relax the body and mind, and lavender takes care of both. If you add these flowers to your bathwater and take a nice long soak, the anti-inflammatory components can help in decreasing the inflammation, according to research published in Phytochemicals in the University of Trieste, Italy. The antioxidant properties of lavender are also quite powerful and it is one of the most trusted applications of its flowers.(6)
7. Antiseptic Ability
Although many people turn to lavender for relaxation and aroma therapeutic applications, its effect on treating infection is impressive, to say the least. Many people apply crushed leaves on wounds and injuries for speedier healing of wounds as well as to prevent the development of infections on them. (7)
8. Prevents Digestive Issues
Polyphenols found in lavender have a wide range of effects on the body. It can prevent the development of harmful bacteria and the accumulation of gas in the gut, as per herbal medicine expert. This will ease stomach discomfort, reduce bloating, and eliminate cramping. Chewing on its leaves or drinking its tea can be effective too.(8)
9. Hair Care
If you suffer from hair loss or any other condition that affects the quality of your locks, seek out lavender-based shampoos. Be aware that some of the organic cosmetic products can be quite expensive, while others which claim to be derived from it may still contain harsh chemicals. You can steep lavender flowers like a tea and then apply the mixture to your hair. This will function as an effective shampoo and significantly boost the health of your follicle beds and hair.(9)
10. Help Combat Fungus Growth
There are number of research highlighting the potential antifungal activity of lavender. Research suggests lavender essential oil may be effective in inhibiting the growth of certain types of fungus, such as C. albicans. Oil could also act as remedy for treating athlete’s foot and ringworm, which are also caused by fungus, according to previous research. (10), (11)
11. Heals migraine headaches
Breathing in lavender essential oil is supposed to be an effective and safe treatment option for migraine headaches. In one research, patients suffering from migraine attacks reported significant improvements after 2-3 drops of lavender oil were rubbed onto to their upper lip in the early stages of an attack.(12)
12. Bug Repellent
Smell of lavender essential oil is powerful for many types of bugs like mosquitoes, midges, and moths. Apply some lavender oil on the exposed skin when outside to prevent these irritating bites. Additionally, if you do happen to be bitten by one of those bugs, lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory qualities that will decrease the irritation and the pain associated with bug bites.
13. Alleviates menstrual cramps and PMS
Researchers concluded that lavender might help to lessen premenstrual emotional symptoms. Women at reproductive age encounter various symptoms in the premenstrual state known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Another latest research proves that when lavender oil is massaged on the skin it can relieve dysmenorrhea, which is related with menstrual pain and cramping.
14. Treats Respiratory Disorders
Lavender oil is extensively used for numerous respiratory problems including throat infection, flu, cough, cold, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, and tonsillitis. Oil is either used in the form of vapor or is applied to the skin of neck, chest, and back. It is also added to many vaporizers and inhalers that are commonly used for cold and cough. The stimulating nature of lavender essential oil can also loosen up the phlegm and relieve congestion related with respiratory conditions; therefore speeding up the recovery process and helping the body naturally eliminate phlegm and other unwanted material. Vapor of lavender essential oil also has antibacterial qualities which can fight respiratory tract infections.
15. Improves Blood Circulation
Lavender essential oil is also good for improving circulation of blood in the body. Research suggests that aromatherapy using lavender oil has beneficial effects on coronary circulation. It also lowers blood pressure and is often used as a treatment for hypertension. This means that not only do the organs increase their levels of oxygenation, promoting muscle strength and health, but brain activity can have a noticeable boost, skin remains bright and flushed with blood, and the body is protected from the risks of heart attack and atherosclerosis often associated with poor blood circulation.
16. Treats Eczema
It is used to treat various skin disorders such as acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and other inflammatory conditions. It is commonly used to speed up the healing process of wounds, cuts, burns, and sunburns because it improves the formation of scar tissues. Lavender oil is also added to chamomile to treat eczema.
17. Effective painkiller
Lavender oil consists of analgesic property and is proven to be remarkable when it comes to treating different types of pains like headache, sprain, rheumatism, migraine, muscle pains, etc. Lavender oil relieves the pain and calms the affected area.
Traditional uses and benefits of Lavender
- Lavender is used in traditional medicines in Asia, Europe, ancient Greece and Rome and was stated in the Bible and in ancient Jewish texts.
- Lavender is stated to be an effective medicinal plant in treating inflammation, depression, stress and headache.
- Folk and traditional therapeutic uses of the essential oil of English lavender for pain, infection, relaxation and sedation date back centuries.
- Lavender is also a popular treatment for stress and mild anxiety in Europe and the United States.
- Lavender inhalation has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of anxiety.
- In the olden days, lavender was used as s condiment and for flavoring for food to comfort the stomach.
- An essential oil obtained from lavender flowers is anti-halitosis, powerfully antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, cholagogic, diuretic, nervine, sedative, stimulant, stomachic and tonic.
- It is commonly used as a restorative and tonic against faintness, giddiness, nervous palpitations, spasms and colic.
- Lavender oil is used in foot bath to relieve fatigue; lavender is recommended as a powerful stimulant for hysteria, palsy and similar disorders of debility and lack of nerve power.
- Outwardly applied, lavender oil relieves toothache, neuralgia, sprains and rheumatism.
- Lavender oil is much gentler in its action than most other essential oils and can be safely applied directly to the skin as an antiseptic to help heal wounds, burns, etc.
- Lavender oil is very useful in the treatment of burns, sunburn, scalds, bites, vaginal discharge, anal fissure, etc., where it also soothes the affected part of the body and can prevent the formation of permanent scar tissue.
- Extracts obtained from the leaves of Lavender are used in Iranian folk medicine as remedies for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases.
- Lavender is an important relaxing herb, having a soothing and relaxing affect upon the nervous system.
- Essential oil is much gentler in its action than most other essential oils and can be safely applied direct to the skin as an antiseptic to help heal wounds, burns etc.
- It is mainly used externally where it is an excellent restorative and tonic – when rubbed into the temples, for example, it can cure a nervous headache, and it is a delightful addition to the bath-water.
- Its powerful antiseptic properties are able to kill many of the common bacteria such as typhoid, diphtheria, streptococcus and Pneumococcus, as well as being a powerful antidote to some snake venoms.
- It is very useful in the treatment of burns, sunburn, scalds, bites, vaginal discharge, anal fissure etc., where it also soothes the affected part of the body and can prevent the formation of permanent scar tissue.
- It promotes hair growth and prevents baldness.
- It provides relief from migraine and headache.
- Lavender counteracts many digestive problems like Stomach Upset, Flatulence, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Bloating and Nausea.
- It helps to repel mosquitoes and other insects.
- Lavender acts as a Skin toner and prevents Skin Irritation.
- It improves the Hoarseness and Loss of voice.
- It is very useful in treating premenstrual syndrome.
- Lavender is a good herbal remedy for Ulcers, Bruises, Burns, Acne and Wounds
- It is found to be very effective in Joint Problems like Joint Pain, Rheumatism and Arthritis.
Ayurvedic Health benefits of Lavender
- Burns: Apply lavender oil.
- Insomnia: Add 2 lavender flowers in your ordinary tea. Take once a day. It calms the mind and helps to sleep. OR: Heat Lavender oil. Inhale its smoke. OR: Add few drops of Lavender oil in your bath water daily.
- Body Lice: Apply Lavender oil on body daily for one hour and then take bath with lukewarm water.
- Blisters: Mix one part of Lavender oil in 2 parts of any carrier oil. Apply it on the affected area.
- Endometriosis: Massage with Lavender Oil once at night.
- Muscle Cramps: Use Lavender oil for massage on the affected areas.
- Nerve Disorder: Take Lavender flowers. Put 2 handful fresh flowers in your bathing tub and crushed them. Take bath daily.
- Fibromyalgia: Massage with Lavender Oil two times a day.
- Rosacea: Wash and pat dry the affected part. Apply Lavender oil on them for half an hour.
- Abscess: Add Lavender Oil in hot water. Dip Cotton into that water. Squeeze the cloth. Put it over the Abscess.
- Cuts: Use Lavender oil topically on the cuts.
- Altitude Sickness: Take two teaspoon of Lavender oil in a cup of tea. Have it once a day.
- Urticaria: Apply Lavender oil directly to the affected area.
- Headache: Take some boiling water in a bowl and put few drops of Lavender Oil in it. Inhale the vapors for few minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a day. Do not take it orally.
- Hematoma: Make infusion of Lavender flower. Wet the affected area with this infusion.
- Stretch marks: Massage over affected area with Lavender oil 2 or 3 times a day. Stretch marks will disappear in few days.
- Acrophobia: Take 1 liter of boiling water and put 5-6 drops of Lavender Oil in it. Inhale the vapors for few minutes. Repeat 2 to 3 times a day.
- Agoraphobia: Put dried Lavender flowers in one cup of very hot water for 20 minutes. Strain it and drink twice daily.
- Arthritis: Mix 2 teaspoons of Lavender Essential Oil and Chamomile Essential Oil. Add one drop of Clove Essential Oil. (Clove is a very strong herb. Just a few drops can add a lot of heat to the blend.) Use once a day.
- Acne: Take 1 tsp. of chopped dried Oregon grape root, 1 tsp. chopped Goldenseal root and 1 tsp. of powdered Lavender. Mix them well. Boil in a glass of water for 20 minutes. Cool. Wash your face with it twice a day. OR: Add 1 tsp. of powdered Oregon grape root and Goldenseal root in few drops of hot water. Prepare a paste. Add 4-5 drops of Lavender Oil. Apply on the affected area and let it dry. Rinse. Apply Aloe Vera gel if skin gets dry.
- Blackheads: Take two drops of Jojoba oil, one drop each of Rose Hip and Lavender oil. Apply over the face.
- Aphthous Ulcers: Add 20 drops of Horsetail or Echinacea tincture in 1/4th cup of water. Add Sage, Lavender or Chamomile. Prepare tea. Rinse the mouth after every 2 hours.
- Blisters: Take Lavender Oil and Tea Tree Oil. Mix them. Add one part of it with five parts of Almond Oil. Apply it on the Blisters.
- Blisters: Take 28 grams of dried Marigold, 28 grams of dried Comfrey root, 2 cups Almond, Olive oil, ½ cup finely chopped beeswax, 10 drops of Lavender essential oil, 10 drops of Tea Tree oil. Heat the herbs gently in Olive oil for 2-4 hours. When it becomes yellow in color, strain it. Apply this on Blisters.
- ADHD: Take a teaspoon of Chamomile, Rosemary, Sage and Lavender oil. Mix these oils with 40 ml Olive oil. Apply this oil locally on child’s feet and spine before going to bed.
- Grief: Combine equal parts of Rose Petals, Hibiscus, and Flowers or leaves of Hawthorne and Lavender. Prepare a decoction. Take twice a day.
- Fungal Nail: Mix Lavender oil with Tea Tree Oil in equal amount. Apply it over infected Nail.
- Stretch Marks: Mix Lavender oil and Chamomile oil in equal ratio. Apply it over Stretch Marks.
- Hematoma: Mix Olive oil & Lavender oil in equal quantity. Apply over the affected area.
- Acne: Mix Lavender Essential Oil with a teaspoon of powdered Goldenseal Root to make a paste. Apply on the affected skin and let it dry. Rinse it off with normal water. (Note: It may cause dry skin. Apply any natural moisturizer after washing the paste.)
- Depression: Infuse One tablespoon each of Chamomile, Lemon Balm and Lavender flowers in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Add Ginger and Licorice for taste. Drink before retiring for a sound sleep. You can also add 8-10 drops of Skullcap tincture for better results.
- Stress: Mix some Lemon Grass oil with the essential oil of Lavender. Put few drops of this mixture in your warm bathing water. Take a bath to revitalize your body and relieve Stress.
- Age Spots: Take 2 tablespoon Frankincense Oil, 2 tablespoon Common Juniper Oil, 2 tablespoon Rosemary, 2 tablespoon Patchouli Oil, 2 tablespoon Rose, 2 tablespoon Orange Oil, 2 tablespoon Lavender Oil, 2 tablespoon Chamomile Oil and 2 tablespoon Almond Oil. Mix all oils. Heat for 10 minutes. Cool. Store in a bottle. Massage it over age spots for 5 minutes daily. It removes age spots effectively.
- Blemishes: Take 1 tablespoon Peppermint Oil, 1 tablespoon Tea Tree Oil, 1 tablespoon Lavender Oil, 1 tablespoon Eucalyptus Oil, 1 tablespoon Geranium Oil and 1 tablespoon Lemon Oil. Put all oils in a glass bottle together. Keep it for 2 days. Apply it over affected parts once a day.
- Acid Reflux: Take equal quantity of Lavender and Aniseed and pour over 2 cups of boiling water. Keep it for 5 minutes. Sieve it and add some Honey for taste. Drink slowly as a tea twice a day.
- Dandruff remedy: Make an extra strong batch of tea, let it cool, and use as a scalp rinse to remedy dandruff.
Different Forms of Lavender
Lavender is available in different forms. For example:
Lavender Oil
Nectar extracted from the flowering plant is used to create fragrant oil. The oil can be massaged into the skin, placed in a diffuser, or applied to a pillow or cotton swab and inhaled for aromatherapy.
Lavender Plant
This is a sweetly scented perennial plant. It adds color to a garden and gives off a sweet aroma.
Lavender Capsules or Supplements
You can also purchase lavender as a supplement in capsule form. Take as directed for medicinal benefits just are sure to work with your healthcare provider to ensure the supplement won’t have negative interactions with any medication you’re taking. Also, know that supplements aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Lavender Tea
This form of lavender can offer a calming beverage that helps ease anxiety and promotes sleep. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate guidelines list lavender tea as a healthy additional to your meal plan. You can purchase lavender tea, or make your own by steeping fresh lavender buds in boiling water for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Culinary Uses
- Flower petals, flowering tips and leaves are edible fresh or dried, used in small quantities as condiment for flavoring soups, salads, dressings, sauces, jams, stews, vinegar and jellies.
- Diminutive flowers add a mysterious scent to custards, flans or sorbets or ice creams.
- Flowers look beautiful and taste good too in a glass of champagne, with chocolate cake.
- Dried buds, flowers and leaves are increasingly popular in cookery.
- Flowers are also used as a culinary herb, most often as part of the French herb blend called herbes de Provence.
- Fresh or dried flowers are used as a tea.
- Fresh flowers are also crystallized.
- Lavender is fragrant and spicy and the flowers can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.
- Lavender extract and/or essential oil are used as flavoring for various foods and beverages including alcoholic types, ice cream, candy, chewing gum, baked goods and other confectionery products.
- Leaves, petals and flowering tips can be consumed raw.
- It is used as a condiment in salads, soups, stews etc.
- They provide a very aromatic flavor and are too strong to be used in any quantity.
- The fresh or dried flowers are used as a tea.
- The fresh flowers are also crystallized or added to jams, ice-creams, vinegars etc. as a flavoring.
- An essential oil from the flowers is used as a food flavoring.
- Lavender oil may be poisonous if taken by mouth.
- Lavender extracts may cause stomach upset, joint pain, or headache.
- Some evidence recommends that some topical applications containing lavender oil may affect sex hormone activity.
Other Facts
- Besides being grown commercially for its essential oil, lavender may be grown as bedding plant, hedge, herb specimen, tea plant, bee forage or source of fragrance in landscaping designs.
- Lavender essential oil has a very wide range of applications, both in the home and commercially.
- Commercially, it is commonly used in soap making and in making high-quality perfumes and cologne, cosmetics, detergents and cleaning agents, room fresheners and food flavoring.
- Aromatic leaves and flowers are used in potpourri and sachets and as an insect repellent in the linen cupboard or be tied in small bundles and burnt as incense sticks.
- They have been used in the past as a strewing herb in order to impart a sweet smell to rooms and to deter insects and mice.
- Flowers and leaves are also used as a herbal medicine, either in the form of lavender oil or as a herbal tea.
- Leaves are also used in herbal bath water for their fragrance and therapeutic properties.
- Lavender essential oil has good insecticidal and insect-repellent activities which have been confirmed by several studies.
- It is also used as a detergent and cleaning agent, a food flavoring etc. and as an insect repellent.
- When growing the plant for its essential oil content, it is best to harvest the flowering stems as soon as the flowers have faded.
- They have been used in the past as a strewing herb in order to impart a sweet smell to rooms and to deter insects.
- They are also said to repel mice.
- Flowering stems, once the flowers have been removed for use in pot-pourri etc, can be tied in small bundles and burnt as incense sticks.
- Lavender can be grown as a low hedge, responding well to trimming.
Side Effects of Lavender Tea
Lavender tea has very few side effects, most of which can be avoided by following usage guidelines. There are still a few things to keep in mind when drinking lavender tea.
Hormone Effects
Lavender has been associated with gynecomastia—a growth in breast tissue in prepubescent males. Ending the use of lavender typically reverses this side effect. Experts recommend limiting lavender tea consumption for males who haven’t undergone puberty.
Pregnant women should be careful when drinking lavender tea due to its ability to mimic the estrogen hormone. It’s always best to consult your physician before consuming herbal teas when pregnant or breastfeeding.
People who are allergic to lavender flowers or similar flowering plants should avoid drinking lavender tea. People who are sensitive to these flowers may develop an allergic reaction that includes difficulty breathing, skin rash, and throat irritation.